
Registration for IEEE DTPI 2022 will include access to all events for the corresponding day(s), including the main technical program, poster session, number resolution challenge session, DST workshop, Smart City Digital Twins workshop, social events (including networking dinner), and all keynotes/panels.

Carefully read all info on this page.

This year, IEEE DTPI is offered in a dual-venue mode. All presenters at the Boston venue are expected to present in-person. All Ningbo authors and online attendees are expected to register with a virtual option. Ningbo authors are expected to present physically in Ningbo and register for that portion of the event separately. Online attendance entitles registrants to access all conference proceedings papers, any and all pre-recorded talks made available through EDAS, and any broadcast virtual sessions. All prices are in US dollars.

IEEE RFID Conference PassEarly Registration

until 19 Sep 22
Standard Registration

from 19 Sep 22
In-person Boston attendees
IEEE Member (in-person)550700
Life/Student/Retired Member (in-person)450550
Non-member (in-person)700950
Ningbo Authors*/Virtual Attendees
Author, Attendee (virtual)150150
Author, Attendee, IEEE Member (virtual)100100
Attendee, Life/Student/Retired Member (virtual)5050
Social Events
Networking Dinner (Boston)4040
*does not include physical registration cost for event in Ningbo